Monday, September 13, 2021

Become Happy by Making Others Happy

 Mahaveer Sanglikar

If you make others happy, you will get happy. Making others happy is a very easy thing, and it is more beneficial for you than others. Just follow the easy tips given below and reap happiness in your life!


Smiling is the greatest thing that relaxes you and makes you joyous and happy. When you give a smile to other people, he/she too smiles in response. This is an exchange of positive vibes. If you give a smile to the person who does not know you, then also most probably that person will smile in return. (Provided that that person is a positive one). Smiles attract others and may lead to close friendships.

According to the researchers, smiling reduces blood pressure and stress, gives relief from pain and when you smile, you look younger! The most important benefit of smiling is that it strengthens your immune system. 

Smiling doesn't require any extra effort and it is totally free of cast. 

Always keep in mind that a smile should be real, not artificial. 

Say Hi-hello

Saying Hi-hello to others is also useful in attracting people. Hi-hello technique includes smiling. When you say hi-hello to someone, it leads him/her to give a positive response. 

Hi-hello gives you all the benefits of smiling mentioned above, in boosted form.

Send positive vibes

When you send positive vibes to others, it gives positive signals to others. To send positive vibes, you just need to think positively about others. In return, others too will send positive vibes to you.  Sending positive vibes maybe with smiling or without smiling. Even if you do not smile and just send positive vibes, then also people will respond positively. Your positive vibes will make others positive.   

Appreciate, encourage

You should occasionally appreciate others for their good work and achievements. Never miss an opportunity to appreciate or congratulate. You should encourage others to do their best. This is one of the best ways to make others positive about you.  


When you help someone, that person feels great about you and even may think that you are an angel for him/her. That person blesses you. Helping others does not require money. You can help others by assisting them, help them to complete their work, or help them by giving advice.  

Ask for help

Most people like to help others, so ask for help when you want it. But remember that you should avoid asking for financial help. Instead, you should ask for help to assist you or for work which that person can do better. You can ask for advice from your expert friends. 


Donating is helping. Donate to needy people, to orphanages, old age homes, nonprofit organizations and the activists working for the better causes. 

Here is a secret. When you become a giver, you lead yourself to get more. What you donate will come back to you in a huge quantity. But never donate for this reason. Donating should be only for helping, without any expectation of returns.    

Share Your Joy

Share your joy with others and it will boost your joy. Joy sharing may be in the form of just informing, or in the form of celebrating. 

Share information and knowledge 

Sharing information and knowledge is educating people. Thus this type of sharing makes you an educator. The importance of being an educator is that it helps the entire society. 

Share your knowledge with the right people. Knowledge sharing makes you happy. Thus this is another way to become a happy person.

Do Not Hurt

By hurting others, you invite sorrow into your life. The habit of hurting others makes many enemies. So never hurt others. Keep in mind that people get hurt if you insult them, you do not keep your words, you talk negative things about them, you invade their rights and their things, and if you put salt on their wounds. Hurting may lead some people to curse you.

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